L’Associazione Giovanile William si costituisce nel 2023 dall’incontro di Massimiliano Aceti, Barbara Alesse, Chiara Boron, Chiara Shakti Cincis, Orazio Rotolo Schifone, attivi nel campo dello spettacolo e del cinema come attori, registi e autori. Nasce con l’intento di diffondere la cultura teatrale, cinematografica e più in generale artistica. Risulta vincitrice del bando Vitamina G2 promosso dalla regione Lazio, rivolto ad associazioni composte in prevalenza da giovani under 35, con il progetto “Sogno di una Notte a Torre Alfina”, che prevede la realizzazione dello spettacolo teatrale Sogno di una notte di mezza estate di W. Shakespeare con la regia di Barbara Alesse, e di un festival internazionale di cortometraggi, TAFF_Torre Alfina Film Festival (per tutte le informazioni riguardo al Taff_Torre Alfina Film Festival, rimandiamo alla pagina dedicata su questo sito /home1
e alla sezione "Premi e Regolamento" /regolamento-e-privacy-rules-and-privacy)
L' Associazione Giovanile William ha lo scopo di promuovere diverse forme della cultura, in un’ottica di sensibilizzazione del volontariato, dell’accoglienza, dell’ecologia, della solidarietà, delle pari opportunità, organizzando spettacoli, serate e momenti di incontro.
The association Associazione Giovanile William is born in 2023 thanks to Barbara Alesse, Massimiliano Aceti, Chiara Boron, Chiara Shakti Cincis, Orazio Rotolo Schifone, who are active in Theatre and Cinema field as actors, directors and writers. Its aim is to spread the culture of Theatre, Cinema and arts in wide range. AGW wins a loan from the Lazio region in 2022, with the project Sogno di una Notte a Torre Alfina - Night's Dream in Torre Alfina. The project includes three days of show A Midsummer Night's Dream by W. Shakespeare, with the direction of Barbara Alesse, and the international festival of short movies TAFF_Torre Alfina Film Festival (For all the information about TAFF_Torre Alfina Film Festival, visit the dedicated page in this website /home1 , and the section "Prices and Rules" /regolamento-e-privacy-rules-and-privacy )
Associazione Giovanile William has the goal to give value to different aspects of art and culture, with an eye open on volunteering activities, dialogue, sharing of values and experiences, solidarity, equal oppurtunities and ecology. With this goal, it organizes shows and create conditions to meet different people and share experiences, as art is possible only if it's rooted in actions of dialogue and in the environment where it borns.
La location dello spettacolo è l'affascinante castello di Torre Alfina (VT)
Informazioni e prenotazioni: prenotazionisogno@gmail.com
When: 30th, 31st August and 1st September 2023 at 9.00 P.M.
Where: Castello di Torre Alfina, Via Monaldeschi della Cervara 1, 01021 Torre Alfina (VT)
Eight professional actors will be joined by the participants of a 10days workshop, who will enrich the artistic cast. The setting for the show will be the charming castle of Torre Alfina (VT)!
Info and reservation: prenotazionisogno@gmail.com
Located in one of the most beautiful towns of Italy, the castle of Torre Alfina (Viterbo), built in the VIII century A.D., is part of the municipality of Acquapendente and is exactly in the meeting point between the three regions of Lazio, Umbria and Toscana.
During the centuries the castle has been renovated and expanded several times, until it reached the fascinating actual shape: a mixture between the medieval styles of the towers and the paintings and forniture belonging to 18th and 19th century.
The gardens in the Italian style ("giardini all'italiana") complete the amazing structure, that has been a set for films and fictions several times.
Visit the website of the castle: https://www.castellotorrealfina.it/en/